Tobias Watzl

Programmer, photographer, engineer.

My Observations when Travelling in Times of Corona

Last week I went on a train trip. Here I want to report about my obeservation how people in Austria deal with Coronavirus.

Tobias Watzl

6-Minute Read

Note: This article has been translated mostly using Google Translate and manually been proofread afterwards. Still it is possible that mistakes might have slipped through.

Improving Photoswipe Performance

How can you improve the performance of photoswipe when using it together with Hugo?

Tobias Watzl

5-Minute Read

So today I finally managed to release my first post about my exchange semester in Finland. If you wonder why it is not under newest posts, it is because I ‘backdated’ it to January 8th when the images were taken. I explained why I do that in another post. In short I want to keep my blog as a kind of diary and it fits nicer if the images are sorted in chronologically in the order they were taken.

Tobias Watzl

2-Minute Read

As you might have notices my blog has gotten a new theme. This might come surprising as the blog is only up for one month. However the new theme is merely the visible result of a much more important change under the hood. After a colleague told me about Hugo and it’s built in multilanguage support I became curious and tried it out.

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