Tobias Watzl

Programmer, photographer, engineer.

Looking for a Comet...

About the importance of research for proper photography and how a chain of mistakes can lead to an unexpected, but great result.

Tobias Watzl

3-Minute Read

If you follow my blog posts regularly then you know by now that I am doing astrophotography from time to time. Especially if there are noteworthy events that can be easily spotted. As you surely have heard by now currently the comet C2020/F3 (NEOWISE) is visible in the night sky and as you probably also heard it is only visible in the early early morning hours.

My Observations when Travelling in Times of Corona

Last week I went on a train trip. Here I want to report about my obeservation how people in Austria deal with Coronavirus.

Tobias Watzl

6-Minute Read

Note: This article has been translated mostly using Google Translate and manually been proofread afterwards. Still it is possible that mistakes might have slipped through.

Tallinn - Part 2

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. In this 3 part blog series I will describe my impressions from the former hanseatic town. This post is about the second day where I explored the city.

Tobias Watzl

5-Minute Read

The first day in Tallinn was quite exciting. I saw most of the important sights, the old town and got a bit of basic orientation in the town.

Welcome to Finland

Now that I arrived in Finland and been here for a couple of days I can give you my first impressions on how life works here compared to Austria.

Tobias Watzl

13-Minute Read

So two days ago I arrived for my exchange semester in Finland. More accurately I should say I arrived for my three exchange periods, but more on that later.

Traveling to Finland

In this post I will tell you about my journey to Finland and show you some pictures I have taken.

Tobias Watzl

10-Minute Read

So this blogpost is about my journey from Linz to Finland. Although Finland is in the EU it is very isolated in terms of transportation. The only real viable alternatives to go to Finland are either by ship, which is very slow, or by plane.

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