Tobias Watzl

Programmer, photographer, engineer.

Tallinn - Part 2

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. In this 3 part blog series I will describe my impressions from the former hanseatic town. This post is about the second day where I explored the city.

Tobias Watzl

5-Minute Read

The first day in Tallinn was quite exciting. I saw most of the important sights, the old town and got a bit of basic orientation in the town.

Tallinn - Part 1

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. In this 3 part blog series I will describe my impressions from the former hanseatic town.

Tobias Watzl

5-Minute Read

An exchange semester is not only a chance to visit a specific country, but it also offers the unique chance to visit interesting locations nearby.

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